May 24, 2008

Band of Brothers: Part seven

The Breaking Point

January 2, 1945 Ardennes forest, Belgium. After holding the line in Bastogne, Easy Company was once again called on help to push the Germans back to their territory. Easy Company was sent again to clear the Bois Jacques, the woods near the town of Foy in preparation to attack the Foy itself.

Lately afternoon on January 3, Easy Company return to the old position in the woods over looking Foy. When they are in the process to prepare their hole, Germans attack from the town with mortar, one soldier got hit and lost his leg. In the second attack is worse. Easy Company cleared the woods east of Foy then few days later Easy Company and rest of 506th cleared out the woods west of Foy and there is a little resistance.

After that, Easy Company will lead the attack of Foy. But the attack is not going well because and Captain Winters give an order to Lieutenant Speirs to take over the lead from Lieutenant Dike. Lieutenant Speirs just running through the Germans to the other side of the town that others Company is waiting for sign to attack.

Beyond the wounded and killed, every man at Bastogne suffered. Men unhit by shrapnel or bullet were nevertheless casualties (Stephen E. Ambrose)

“I’m not sure that anybody who lived through that one hasn’t carried with him, in some hidden ways, the scar. Perhaps that is the factor that helps keep Easy men bonded so unusually close together.” (Capt. Richard Winters)

To be continue…….

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