May 14, 2008

Ghost Rider

It said that the west build on a legend. Talk tails that help us make sense of thing to great or too terrifying to believe. This is the legend of the Ghost Rider.

Story goes that every generation has one. Some damn soul cursed to ride the earth, collecting on the devils deals.

Many years ago, a Ghost Rider was sent to the village of San Venganza to catch a contract with the thousand evils souls. But that contract was so powerful. He knew that he can’t ever let the devil get his hands on it. So, he did that no rider has ever done before. He out ran the devil himself.

The thing about legend is, sometimes its real.

In the present, the legend of Ghost Rider is come true. Start from a young man Johnny Blaze who helping his father in motorcycle attraction. One night, when Johnny is in the garage, he got visited by the devil is called Mephistopheles. The devil give him an offer and as the return, Johnny’s soul and his father’s life. The devil promised him, when time is come he will be there.

Few years later, Johnny stills in the motorcycle attraction. His show is not 100% succeed, sometimes he got an accident and amazingly, he still alive. His crew really surprised, why he always make it. Maybe, an angel is looking after him or something else.

In the meantime, the devil’s son is called Blackheart starts to make his move. He calls his friends and together they are trying to find the contract of San Venganza. In the same time, Mephistopheles fulfills his promise to Johnny and gives him strength to face his son. After sunset Johnny became a monster with fire all of his body and when the morning come he backs to usual with memory of what he’s doing last night and hiding in the cemetery. The cemetery was guard by an old man who knows everything about Ghost Rider legend.

To be continue……

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