May 08, 2008

Transporter 2

This movie is the next series of Transporter one. Story about ex Special Forces of US army who called Frank, who became a delivery man. He moves good, human or otherwise. But in this movie he works to Billings’s family to drives to and from school for the Billings kid.

One day, when he drives the boy to meet his doctor, the clinic where the doctor stayed, have been taking over by the false doctor. They want to kidnap the kid, and ask a ransom to the kid’s parents because his father is a member of the parliament. But their plan has been uncovered by Frank and failing it. When he drives back to the kid’s home the kidnapper calls him to bring the kid to his place, if he don’t the kidnapper will explode the car with a bomb that placed on to the car.

Frank has no choice to bring the kid to the kidnapper place and the same time, the kid’s parent calls the cop to find their son. In the meantime, Frank arrives to kidnapper place. After he has the kid, the kidnapper told Frank to leave.

Frank starts to haunt them one by one to ask information about the kid. In the meantime, the kidnapper release the kid after he injects some kind of virus to kid’s body. Beside information Frank also looking for the anti virus. After he gets it, Frank sneaks in the Billings house to give the anti virus to the kid’s mother who has contaminated.

Frank continues to looking for the kidnapper. After got information about the kidnapper’s addresses from his friend in police station, Frank goes for it. But is not to easy to catch the kidnapper because frank has pass through the security guard and the same time the kidnapper has escape. After handle the security guard, Frank chasing the kidnapper who saved the anti virus in his body. The chasing is over when the plane that used by the kidnapper having a crash on the sea.

Few days later, Frank backs to his job. Being a transporter!

The End

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